Kru Doh / Anantachai Pinsinchai (Head Trainer)
Kru Doh was born and raised in Santai, San Kamphaeng. He started Muay Thai at the age of 10, and trained at a back yard gym that was run in the village. Doh was a great fighter, though his main strength was in the clinch, and dominated his opponents with knees and elbows while clinching with them. As he became a much better fighter, he also moved to Bangkok, and trained at the Pinsinchai Gym. This is also where he met Kru Phon, and they have been friends ever since. Fighting and training in Bangkok, Doh went up the ranks in the sport, just like Phon did, yet he never became as accomplished and as prized of a fighter as Phon did. Doh was a frequent fighter in the top stadiums in Bangkok, and is also still spoken of around Thailand for his dominating clinch that he used to defeat countless opponents back in the day.
Kru Dohs teaching style is heavily based on proper technique, just like kru Phon. Doh knows Muay Thai in and out, and will share all his Muay Thai knowledge with you.
Kru Doh also has a specialty in training beginners, and teaching specific techniques to push beginners to the next level. After training with Kru Doh, all your questions about your technique will be sorted out.
Kru Dohs favorite thing to say is AHHH GOOOD!! when his students do a technique he showing them properly.
Stats & Fight Record:
- 55kg
- 44 Years of Age
- 100 Fights, 90 Wins
- B Class Lumpinee Stadium Fighter