Sponsored fighter Deren Chen and Fighter Curtis Prew both win via points decision in the famed Lumpinee Stadium, 19th January 2019.
Curtis Prew took on the more experienced opponent Omar from Morocca, who was representing K-one Muay Thai Gym from the south of Thailand. The Moroccan set a high pace from round one, throwing powerful hand combinations, but quickly tired towards round three. This allowed Curtis to push forward with fast left kicks and aggressive clinch locks. Omar became frustrated and began to foul with illegal throws in the clinch but this did not stop Curtis from scoring taking the win via decision.
Sponsored fighter Deren Chen fought fellow Australian Ray J fighting out of the famed Yokkao gym in Bangkok. The fight started with a much more slow Thai style pace. The fight began to pick up when Ray began to attack with front right low kicks and big overhead hands. Deren blocked strong and then countered every time with right kicks or step in Knees. Deren was awarded the Winner unanimously.