Thong Sayam Chiang Mai New Stadium Champion

New Northern Thailand Stadium Champion, Thong Sayam

Thong Sayam fought Kong Krai for the 38kg, Chiang Mai New Boxing Stadium Title.

Kong Krai put pressure on Thong from the first bell, bowling forward straight into clinch, locking Thong’s Neck and attacking with strong knees. Thong struggled to escape the clinch and find distance to strike back. However as the rounds went on Kong Krai started to tire and Thong was able to start scoring back with well-aimed elbows and sweeps.

Kong Krai won rounds 1-2 but Thong Sayam remained patient and came back to win rounds 3- 5 convincingly.

Thong Sayam Northern ChampionCongratulations to the New Chiang Mai Stadium Champion, Thong Sayam.

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