Kevin Martinez Bravo

Post ‘LionFight World Title Fight’ interview with Kevin Martinez Bravo

Santai Muay Thai and sponsored fighter Gonzalo Tebar got the chance to interview the very humble Kevin Martinez Bravo after his ‘LionFight World Title Fight’, where he was defeated by Santai Muay Thai trainer Manasak Pinsinchai.

Below features 7 questions and answers from Kevin Martinez bravo where he talks openly about LionFight, preparation, the fight and future plans.

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What was your initial reaction to the offer of fighting Manasak Pinsinchai for the Lion Fight Super Bantam weight World Title in Monza, Italy?

I was shocked and emotional of having the opportunity in a top class event like Oktagon and LionFight and even more because if fighting Manasak for the LionFight belt. It has been very special for me also because It was my first chance to fight for a belt.

After previously winning against Manasak in the Amateur World Games in 2017 was you confident you could win in a full contact bout too?

I was sure It would not be like Ifma. I thought It wont be easy but I can face him

Did you have a strategy / game plan to beat Manasak? If so what was it? 

My main idea was trying to cut distance with him. When we fought in Ifma I saw his technique and knew that in long distance It would be very hard to win him.

How do you feel the fight went? What worked well for you / did not. 

From what I did It was not enough. I was lack of decision and needed a clearer strategy.About the fight I think that It was a pity the Kick I got in the groin the second round. It was very painful and It caused me lot of damage during the rest of the fight. I think It affected me in my fitness conditioning and psychological state during the fight.

Would you like to fight Manasak for a third time?

I would love to! I think I learned a lot from that last experience and I am in process if changing my fight game in some details. It would be a great Battle and, because we are 1-1, It Will leave a clear winner.

What are your thoughts on Lion Fight promotions and the International stage they provide?

I’ve never seen in Europe before this level of preparation from professional fighters, their fight in live and the spectacular show was first class. I was delighted of being part of It.

What are your plans now as a fighter? Do you have any challenges ahead?

My Next challenge is the ifma world Championship in Thailand Next 18th July. And I Will use this trip to Thailand to stay longer there and keep growing as a fighter. After that I want to open a gym in my hometown and try to develop the Muay Thai in my √°rea as much as I can.
Click here to view the full fight.

You can also find the full interview in Spanish on sponsored fighter Gonzalo Tebar’s personal blog, by clicking the link below or searching ‘’.

Thank you for reading, Santai Muay Thai.

Category: Muay Thai
Tags: Kevin Martinez Bravo, lion fight, Post Fight Interview
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